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Multiple BUILDS in SORT

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Joined: 07 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:14 pm    Post subject: Multiple BUILDS in SORT Reply with quote

Hi !!!!!

Suppose I have an input file and I want certain data from multiple lines to be formatted in a single line.Can u pls tell me if this is possible using multiple BUILDS???..To make my query more clear, I am taking the scenario provided in the topic-selective copy from spool to dataset...

INCLUDE COND=(2, 7, CH, EQ, C'IEF142I', OR, 21, 7, CH, EQ, C'IEF450I,
OR, 21, 7, CH, EQ, C'IEF404I')
 BUILD=(%01,C'#',%02, C'#',% 03)),
IFTHEN=(WHEN=(21, 7, CH, EQ, C'IEF404I'),
BUILD=(DATE1 (/), C'#',% 04))

1.If I execute the above code, I think the second build will overwrite the first build.Please correct me if I am wrong.
2.Is it possible to display the parsed fields in first and second build in the same line? what changes should be made in the above code so that the contents from second build are appended at the end of first build contents instead of overriding ?..

Sorry for digging the topic again...
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome to the forum,

What happens when you try it?

You only need a few records to test . . .
All the best,

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:51 pm    Post subject: Re: multiple BUILDS in SORT Reply with quote

sheelu wrote:
Hi !!!!!

Suppose I have an input file and I want certain data from multiple lines to be formatted in a single line.Can u pls tell me if this is possible using multiple BUILDS???..

Yes it is possible and you would need Splice/Group parms to merge them into a single record.

sheelu wrote:

To make my query more clear, I am taking the scenario provided in the topic-selective copy from spool to dataset...

Are you the same person who opened the earlier request?

If so please don't open another topic for the same request as it is a mundane task.

2. Please don't invent your own syntax. Your control cards would fail on any sort product.

sheelu wrote:

1.If I execute the above code, I think the second build will overwrite the first build.Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes you are wrong. The First build will NOT have IEF404I message in it and your second IFTHEN statement is specifically looking for IEF404I. You can run 1 IFTHEN statement at a time and see how the values are manipulated. Try with a few examples and you will understand.

If you're not familiar with DFSORT and DFSORT's ICETOOL, I'd suggest reading through "z/OS DFSORT: Getting Started". It's an excellent tutorial, with lots of examples, that will show you how to use DFSORT, DFSORT's ICETOOL and DFSORT Symbols. You can access it online, along with all of the other DFSORT books, from:

sheelu wrote:

2.Is it possible to display the parsed fields in first and second build in the same line? what changes should be made in the above code so that the contents from second build are appended at the end of first build contents instead of overriding ?..

Yes you as I mentioned earlier you need to have SPLICE or GROUP to get the results you want.

Your BUILD statements should arrange the values as follows

VALUE-1|VALUE-2|               |JOB1

And then when you use SPLICE or GROUP you end up with


Search the forum for SPLICE or GROUP in utilities/JCL forum and you will find lots of examples.

sheelu wrote:
Sorry for digging the topic again...

Please DO NOT do that.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


On executing the above code, only the data and time (IEF404I)(Second build statement) is printed in the output dataset.The IEF142I condition (first build) is not executed though both IEF404I and IEF142I messages are in the input dataset.


I Will look into splice/group utilities..Thanks Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I did read about SPLICE parameter and GROUP parameter.
But I have a query.Suppose I have the following input datasets:

file 1:

contains data in the below format

xxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx| (totally 39 characters)

file 2:

containing date and time in the format:

xxxx/xx/xx|xx.xx.xx| (20 characters)

Can you please tell me how to form another dataset with the contents of file2 appended at the end of file1??I mean the contents of file 2 should be added to file1 contents from position 40.

ie xxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxx|xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx|xxxx/xx/xx|xx.xx.xx|

I read about GROUP parm but I am not sure about how to achieve the above condition using the same.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Kolusu and Papadi...I was able to print everything on a single line in the dataset with your inputs. Smile ..I tried the group parm
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