Record formating!
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#16:  Author: Frank YaegerLocation: San Jose PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:35 am

I'm sorry, but I can't really figure out what's wanted here or whether Kolusu's solution actually gives you what you want. You only showed one header record, one trailer record and one detail record, and you didn't show what you want for the output. Could you please show an example of more records in the header/trailer file and more records in the detail file, and what you want the output to look like. Once I understand what you want, I'll be able to tell you if it can be done with the SPLICE operator of DFSORT's ICETOOL.

#17:  Author: kolusuLocation: San Jose PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 1:26 pm

From my understanding of the question, Rahul has one header/footer file which contains 'n' different headers and footers but are unique.And he has another file which has just the detail records. The detail record has the ORG name and form name. For this detail record ORG name and form he needs to extract the header and footer and write it as a single file.

In brief the output file should have the header record for the ORG name and the form name , followed by all the detail records and then finally the corresponding footer record.


#18:  Author: Frank YaegerLocation: San Jose PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 2:10 pm

Rahul said

1) File 1 can have any number of header and footer. Output file involve only those header and footer..whose detail record is present.
2) Org(T44010) and Form name(DRCDR1) is unique for each header,footer & Detail record.

I take this to mean that the 'n' different headers/footers could match n different detail records and he wants ALL of the header/detail/footer records that matched, e.g. you could have header A, detail A, footer A, header D, detail D, footer D, etc. It seemed to me that your job gets only one header and footer.

But it's probably pointless to discuss our interpretations of what Rahul meant rather than have Rahul show us exactly what he wants with good examples of his input and output. -> Utilities

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