Need clarification in increasing of space.....
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#1: Need clarification in increasing of space..... Author: baansalLocation: bangalore PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:36 am
I need to increase the space of the dataset and that i can do in two ways:

1) increase the primary and secondary values OR
2) change the AVGREC=U to AVGREC=K.

I need to know, which one will be better and why?
Could you people help me in this issue.


#2:  Author: vkphani PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:06 am
You cannot code AVGREC if you are using TRK or CYL in your SPACE definition.
I suggest you to increase your primary and secondary values.

#3:  Author: Bill DennisLocation: Iowa, USA PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:47 am
Simply changing AVGREC from U to K gives you 1000 times the space! Too much?

You need to look at the both AVGREC and SPACE (primary,sec) to arrive at the desired amount of increase. -> Job Control Language(JCL)

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