Automation of JCL thru windows scheduler
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#1: Automation of JCL thru windows scheduler Author: k_rahul13 PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:00 am
Hi, I have red the info from regarding this automation from

this tells to write a jcl in one text file and FTP it to mainframe to submit the job. this is working fine. But I wanted to know..if I already have a JCL stored in PDS on the mainframe and I just want to submit that thru windows this possible ? can anyone tell me what needs to be done

#2:  Author: semigeezerLocation: Atlantis PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:33 am
I seem to remember that directing FTP to JES and then using a GET on the PDS member containing the JCL will submit the job. Its something to look at anyway. If not, you can always do a GET to the workstation and then switch to JES and do a PUT, though if the JCL has any sensitive info like passwords, that might be a security concern (although since FTP is clear-text anyway on the login, that may be moot).

#3:  Author: Bill DennisLocation: Iowa, USA PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:01 am
the JCL you send via FTP can be a step to copy the existing member to the INTRDR.
//    JOB
//J   EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                                     
//SYSPRINT   DD    SYSOUT=*                               
//SYSUT1     DD    DSN=your.jcl.pds(member),DISP=SHR               
//SYSIN      DD    DUMMY                                   

#4:  Author: k_rahul13 PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:54 am
thanks a lot Bill -> Job Control Language(JCL)

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