Releasing the which are held on the commnad TYPERUN=HOLD
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#1: Releasing the which are held on the commnad TYPERUN=HOLD Author: VishLocation: Mumbai India PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:59 am
We know when TYPERUN=HOLD is used the job will be held temporarily from running until the operator releases the job. But how will the job will be released after ?
Which command is used for releasing the job ?

#2:  Author: petluriLocation: Virginia, USA PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:21 am
'A' against the job should release the job, if you are authorized for that

#3:  Author: Cogito-Ergo-SumLocation: Bengaluru, INDIA PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 3:57 pm
That is true for SDSF.

#4:  Author: MikeLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 10:56 pm
SDSF just issue the correct JES command $AJnnnnn where nnnnn is the Jes number of the submitted job, $ may be another character dependant upon how JES has been setup (frequently in the UK it is the pound sign).

There are numerous variations of the command. The command can be issued outside of SDSF, from a console or by sending it to the internal reader (assuming that you have the access to do so). You can also issue the command directly from SDSF, it you have the appropriate authority.

#5:  Author: VishLocation: Mumbai India PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:54 am
Mike ,
Thanks a lot. How to issue the command outside SDSF and through internal reader ? If you have synatax or examples it will be of great help.


#6:  Author: kolusuLocation: San Jose PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 1:27 pm
There are several ways of doing it. one way is to code an IEBGENER step so that it will issue a jes2 command.Most shops modified the internal reader to ignore these commands.My shop ignores all the commands which starts with a $ sign.


//SYSUT1   DD *                 
//SYSIN    DD DUMMY             

Note that if you are in europe the subsitute $ with

#7:  Author: VishLocation: Mumbai India PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:43 am
Thanks Kolusu -> Job Control Language(JCL)

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