Himesh CICS Forum Moderator
Joined: 20 Dec 2002 Posts: 80 Topics: 21 Location: Chicago
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 11:50 pm Post subject: The old "Cows and Bulls" game in REXX |
Got hold of a working version of this game.....and here it is....
Code: |
/* */
/* This rexx plays the game of moo. The object is to guess a */
/* four digit number generated by the program. The number must */
/* have 4 non-repeating digits. After each guess, the program */
/* tells the player the number of digits in the guess that appear */
/* anywhere in the number to be guessed ( cows ) and the number */
/* of digits in the guess that appear in the same position in the */
/* guess and the target ( bulls ). */
/* */
select = 'do j = 1 to 4;if substr(aim,i,1) = substr(line,j,1) then' ,
'cows = cows + 1; end'
say ' Should BULLS be excluded form COW count (Y/N) ?'
parse upper pull line
if left(line,1,1) = 'Y' then select = 'else' select
select = 'if substr(aim,i,1) = substr(line,i,1) then' ,
'bulls = bulls + 1;' select
sum = 0
ngame = 0
goagain: ,
aim = genran()
guessagain: ,
nguess = nguess + 1
reguess: ,
say 'Enter guess #' nguess
parse pull line
pos = index(line,'?')
if pos <> 0 then do
say 'You gave up on guess #' nguess || '.'
say 'The correct number was' aim || '.'
ngame = ngame + 1
sum = sum + nguess + 5
signal offer
if datatype(line,'W') <> 1 then do
say 'Guess must be only numerics. Please re-enter guess #' nguess
signal reguess
if length(line) <> 4 then do
say 'Guess must be 4 characters. Please re-enter guess #' nguess
signal reguess
bulls = 0
cows = 0
do i = 1 to 4
interpret select
if bulls < 4 then do
say 'Bulls =' bulls 'and cows =' cows
signal guessagain
say 'CONGRATULATIONS you guessed the number on guess #' nguess || '.'
ngame = ngame + 1
sum = sum + nguess
offer: ,
say 'Your average for' ngame 'games was' sum / ngame || '.'
say 'Would you like to play again ?'
parse upper pull ans
if left(ans,1) = 'Y' then signal goagain
genran: procedure
temp = time('L')
temp = right(temp,6)
aim = left(temp,1)
start = 2
nexttry: ,
do i = 6 to start by -1
next = substr(temp,i,1)
pos = index(aim,next)
if pos = 0 then do
aim = aim || next
if length(aim) = 4 then return aim
start = 1
temp = time('L')
temp = right(temp,6)
signal nexttry