Joined: 10 Sep 2004 Posts: 9 Topics: 4 Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:27 am Post subject: Stored Procedures Calling CICS Trans?
Can A DB2 Stored procedure call a CICS Transaction and get data back from the CICS Tran?
Although CICS transactions can execute Stored Procedures, they cannot pass result sets back down the chain to a Java Front End (Open to correction).
Stored Procedures cannot access VSAM Files (Open to Correction).
I am curious If a stored procedure could invoke CICS Transactions, and get a response, then a Stored procedure could have all the functionality of a CICS Task, as wel as the flexibility of returning result sets back to a Java/VB/Whatever Frontend. Also some legacy functionality may still be availble through the Stored procedure functionality.
Joined: 26 Nov 2002 Posts: 12377 Topics: 75 Location: San Jose
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:55 am Post subject:
You can access VSAM files, flat files, and CICS transactions, from a stored procedure. The non-DB2 resource must be available to the stored procedures address space. Thus if you are accessing VSAM files or flat files, you need a JCL DD statement in the stored procedures address space JCL procedure for every file that the stored procedure accesses.
Stored procedures can access CICS systems by using one of these methods:
Message Queue Interface (MQI)
External CICS Interface (EXCI)
Check out chapter 7 in the following red book which explains in detail about the above mentioned methods.
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